Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)
Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)
Pinus banksiana
Commonly known as jack pine, is a hardy conifer native to North America. Known for its irregular shape and adaptability, it thrives in poor, sandy soils where few trees can grow. Its short, twisted needles and small, curved cones add to its rugged character. Jack pine is vital to wildlife, providing habitat and food, particularly for the endangered Kirtland’s warbler. Its resilience and ability to thrive in challenging environments make it a key species in reforestation and conservation efforts.
Origin: Native
Current Sale Size: 18-24", bare root seedlings
Growth Rate: Moderate (13 - 24" / year)
Soils: Well-drained sandy loams
Moisture: Mesic
Shade Tolerance: Sun
Mature Height: 30 - 50 ft.
Mature Spread: 20 - 30 ft.
Deer Damage Potential: Low
Uses: Winter Interest
Special Notes:
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University of Minnesota UFRO Nursery & Lab